Friday, February 6, 2015


Being sorry is not the same as repentance! Judas was "filled with remorse" for what he had done, but he never repented! Instead, his sorrow drove him to more sin…suicide.

Paul taught the Corinthians, "Godly sorry brings repentance which leads to salvation with no regret, but worldly sorrow leads to death." Judas had betrayed innocent blood. His greed, pride and selfishness had driven him to commit an awful sin! He truly felt bad. Yet, his bad feelings, which were intended to bring repentance, led only to more sin! And death! Eternal death.

God has put a conscience in all of us to help us know when we have sinned. Sometimes we don't feel the weight or sorrow of the sin until after we have done it. The question is, "What do we do with the sorrow we feel"? Do we turn to God in repentance and faith or do we compound the sin with even more sin?

Don't be like Judas. When we sin, we should turn to God in repentance and faith. 

1 comment:

  1. Pastor, we are dealing with this in a significant way in our home right now. Your assessment of God's teaching is so chilling...big decisions regarding repentance and rebellion are being made all around us this day. I am learning from Ezekiel that God's patience is so vast...but not limitless. Please pray for our family.
