Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Do we give to God out of our "excess" or do we give to Him out of our gratefulness. Is our giving out of duty or is it out of delight or desperation?

I am always amazed to read that Jesus was actually watching people giving their gifts at the treasury. Apparently, he was using this time as a lesson in giving to His disciples. They were watching others give and He was making observations and giving them lessons. What were his disciples thinking? How would that make you feel? Both to be watching others or for others to be watching you.

In Jesus day, money was a big deal! It remains a big deal today. Jesus was questioned a lot about money and he taught more about money than almost any other subject. In this chapter we see two critical things about Jesus' view on money. First, money is to be used in the manner for which it was created. (i.e. paying taxes to Caesar) And second, giving to God should is a reflection of our relationship with Him.

Are we a person who constantly complains about paying taxes? Are we more grateful or bitter towards the government that God has placed in our lives? Are we generous towards God with all He has given to us? Do we only give out of our excess or is giving such a priority that we would give even if it was our last two pennies?

Money reveals our hearts. Let's don't fool ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Pastor, great stuff. I believe in the past week alone, I have given out of the heart of all four of those adverbs: gratefulness, generosity, duty and desperation.I believe there are times when each of those is appropriate. Praise hm!
