Friday, February 27, 2015


Silence is a subtle form of denial. It's easy to say "I follow Jesus" at church, but what is my life and mouth saying outside of "church"? For most, the answer is nothing. We simple say nothing.

I often fault the disciples for being weak cowards! They were "big talkers" when talking with Jesus, but became weak and scared when questioned by a little girl! Their words and their actions were complete opposite. The very thing they said they would never do, became the first thing they did in the very next moment.

Unfortunately, this is not the exception, it is the rule. Most "christians" are reticent to identify with Jesus outside of a christian gathering. Jesus is rarely the topic of conversation or discussion. What He taught and practiced is rarely brought into everyday discussions. We care more about "how we feel" than "what Jesus said".

Silence is a form of denial. Don't be silent about what Jesus says today. Let's bring His words into our daily discussions.

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