Friday, May 18, 2012

Ac 11

Are you a defender of the faith or just a "pretender"? Most would have to say that they are a "pretender" rather than a "defender".  The number one barrier to unbelievers becoming believers is likely the "believers" that either fail to share or represent poorly.

Have you considered how many others are following Jesus because of your influence?  If the number is low, you have to ask the question WHY?  Is it the people you know or is it you?  

I have a friend who has zero interest in me sharing with him about Christ.  I am praying for him, sharing with him and inviting him into situations where he can hear the message.  I am constantly asking God to not let me get in his way when it comes to faith. My prayer is that God is working in his heart.

I believe we should all live with others in mind.

Think of someone to share with today.

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that the only offense between me and others would be the Gospel. The message of Cross is offensive enough as it is without me adding my attitude and sinfulness to the delivery of it. May God purify us so that the offensive is limited to that of the Gospel by which we are saved.
