Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Jesus wants followers who will worship Him, not followers who worship themselves and follow Jesus to get what they want. One day Paul was the most popular guy in town.  The next day the same people were stoning him!  Now that is something to "SMH" about.

Who does that?  A man is miraculously healed by Paul, so everyone in town tries to worship the apostles.  After some religious leaders from Antioch come to town, the same people who wanted to worship Paul are now stoning him! 

If this is not a testimony to the hearts of people, I don't know what is.  We don't stone people anymore, but we certainly do decide what we think of others based on what they will do for us.  

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. I actually had to look up "SMH." You are hipper than me :)

    To the point of your blog: People can be very fickle indeed. It is amazing how easily the temptation of influence can invade my thoughts on something depending on the company I am in when thinking it.
