Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Go "public" with your faith!  Don't be like Joseph of Arimathea (the  secret disciple) or Nicodemus (who came under the cover of darkness).  

Why are we so hesitant to identify with Jesus?  He is our Savior and Lord and we owe our whole lives to HIm. He said, "If you confess me before men, I will confess you before my father in heaven."  

Care more about what God will say than what people will say.  Choose to be associated with Jesus.  Joseph and Nicodemus did the right thing when they believed in Jesus.  They did an even bolder thing by "going public" when they retrieved and buried His body.  It was the next step in their faith. 

What would be a good "next step" for us?

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. I often require prayer with regard to this boldness: both for forgiveness for past cowardice and encouragement for future loyalty. The fear of man is a strong influence and a difficult chain from which to break free.
