Wednesday, May 30, 2012


An idol is anything that captures our affections. Do you have idols that you worship?  I suggest getting rid of them!  

The Ephesians were worshiping idols and expecting everyone to do the same.  The were appalled that someone would say, "gods made by hand are not gods!"  We look at them and say, "They were fools."

I think that the Ephesians actually "worshiped" Artemis.  They devoted themselves to her ways and practices.  The sought to influence others to worship her.  They defended with great energy her name and her honor.

I think the Ephesians would question who many christians actually worship.  They might say, "You say you worship Jesus, but you actually give your affection to so many other things."  Honestly, I think they would be correct.

Worship Jesus alone.  Let's get rid of the idols in our lives.

read it here.

1 comment:

  1. John Calvin once said, "we may infer, that the human mind is, so to speak, a perpetual forge of idols."

    Left to our own vices and devices, we create over and over again objects of worship in our own likeness or the likeness of the nature around us. (Rom. 1:25)

    The Ephesians actually worshipped Artemis. They defended her, loved her, served her, and gave their time,money, and energy to her. She was an idol, a false-god, but they worshipped her like she was real.

    It is sad that so many who claim Jesus do not do the same for Him when He is real and alive today.
