Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ac 9

Did the Jews just want to kill everyone? Paul was encouraged as a "killer" but became the target to "be killed" after his salvation!  What were the Jews thinking?  Was the norm always, "kill anyone who disagrees with us"?

Talk about total change.  Paul went from arresting and murdering believers to seeking to convince unbelievers to be saved.  He was feared by the Jews (believers and non-believers) and rejected by them. Wow.  I wonder if I actually know anyone with his personality?

If God can save Paul, who in your life should you be praying for.  No one thought that Paul was reachable.  They were all wrong.  Pray for someone far from God today.

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good reminder. When all seems lost and all human efforts have fallen short, even still, there is hope for what is impossible with man is possible with God.
