Friday, May 25, 2012


Timothy understood well that the call of salvation is a call for sacrifice and following Jesus...NOT getting what you want!

If I were Timothy, I think I would have been reminding Paul about the decision the apostles at Jerusalem had just made!  They had just decided that circumcision was NOT necessary for salvation...but Paul had Timothy circumcised.  

If I were a young man considering ministry and the first thing a mentor asked me to do was something like that, I would be out!

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. Hats off to Timothy (among other things)!

    I am guessing that counting the cost did not involve that cost being counted.

    Timothy in this exchange is a valuable mentor for us in practicing our Christian freedom in Christ. Free from the Law, bound to Christ. Timothy did not have to be circumsized for his sake. He did it for others. In Christ, Timothy was reconciled to God by his faith. In public, Timothy was reconciled to others by his forfeiture of his rights.
