Friday, May 11, 2012

Ac 6

Would these words describe what you are full of? (GRACE, POWER, WISDOM, and THE SPIRIT) These are the words that described Stephen.

And how does this world respond to such a man?  The tragic story, or glorious from God's perspective, will be told tomorrow.

read it here.

1 comment:

  1. I love that the Apostles valued the preaching and teaching of the Word so highly as to devote their lives solely to it. I also love that they were not snobs about it, regarding it as the only important thing (yet the MOST important thing). They found deacons to tend to the flocks earthly needs as well. But not just any men, men full of the characteristics you listed. What a comfort to know that even the janitors in Heaven will glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Godly character is always a prerequisite for godly service (of any kind). I love that Cornerstone readily observes this principle in their staffing.
