Monday, January 14, 2013


Jesus promised that everything that is hidden will be exposed in due time!  If you are covering sin, it is only a matter of time until all is revealed.

Since this is true, why not come clean today?  The cancer of unconfessed sin will only destroy your joy and make your relationship with Jesus strained.  His desire is for you to confess and forsake your sin, not to harbor and hide it.  Consider the bugging of the Holy Spirit the incentive you need to step into the light!

The fear of men keeps us from truly being honest with men.  Especially when we have a sin that we are embarrassed about.  Jesus would have us to consider man's opinion way less and consider God's desires above everything.

Who will you listen to today?  What will you do?

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. this is one of the things i appreciate most about your pastor. you are transparenta nd vulnerable. you routinely confess and repent of sin in seeking faith and reconciliation in Christ. thank you for your leadership in this matter. in Jesus we will never regret confession.

    1 John 1:9

    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
