Thursday, January 10, 2013


"What kind of man is this? -even the wind and the sea obey Him!" - the disciples.  Jesus was no ordinary man, He was the creator of the wind and sea!

Why is it that generally we wait until we are desperate to cry out to God?  Sometimes, even in the midst of storms, we still don't cry out God!  Shouldn't we learn from the scriptures that Jesus deeply cares for us and that we should bring everything to Him?

I want to be a man of pray.  In the process of following Jesus, I would hope that every aspect of my life would be guided by Him.  When storms come, I want my first response to be to talk to Jesus about it.  I want Him to be my first conversation in trial and blessing.

He cares, about everything!

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. i love thet man under authority. under the authority of God's storms and in confident hope during those storms that God can and will help those who cry out to Him.
