Tuesday, January 8, 2013


What would your secret life tell me about you?  Jesus said it is what we do in secret that exposes our hearts.

Often we do "righteous things" so that others will see us.  In fact, many only do righteous things WHEN others are looking.  And if others are not looking, they are quick to tell everyone what they did.  Do you know anyone like that?  Jesus says their reward is only what men will give them.  What can a man give that last?...NOTHING.

On the other hand, Jesus was encouraging His followers to do what they do for God!  He sees in secret and He rewards in eternity!  His eyes are always on our lives, seeing the good and the evil.  What role does His presence play in your life?  It should be everything.

Live your life for Christ!  He sees.  Even in secret!


1 comment:

  1. the praise of men is tangible and attainable through effort, compromise and manipulation.

    the praise of God is attained in humility before His righteousness revealed in Jesus.

    may we strive for His approval as we grow in stature and favor before Him and men.

