Friday, January 25, 2013


If gaining salvation truly required selling all your possessions and giving them away, would you "purchase" salvation? If not, you don't understand the value of what you have been given.  Losing everything to gain Christ would be the greatest investment of your life!

Most christians I know only want salvation if it is free.  They aren't willing to do much because they have it, and they certainly would not have given much to get it.  What a tragedy to love this world so much.

Isn't it true that we live for and pursue what we love and value?  Isn't it true that we would gladly sacrifice what we have to gain something of greater value that we don't have?  If you apply these truths to your faith, what value do you actually place on that?

My hunch is that the value of our faith is actually quite low.  Make a self evaluation today and see what weighs in the balance.  How does you life value your salvation?

1 comment:

  1. most Christians want grace, but don't really think they need it. they assume grace is offered to them because it is free. the solution, perhaps, is not to make grace more expensive, but to ask the person to consider if they have ever actually received the gift.
